Friday, August 17, 2012

The Pursuit of Happiness and the American Dream - It's All About Improving the Quality of Life

What did Thomas Jefferson have in mind when he penned the the phrase, "the pursuit of happiness?" Depending on your beliefs and point of view the meaning hinges on the interpretation of the word happiness. Happiness means something different to each of us, but in general most people would probably agree that happiness has a lot to do with improving the quality of life at all levels.

While there may be an over emphasis on capitalism in American society and the ever present drive for the almighty dollar, at its root this peculiar American characteristic is based on the desire to improve the quality of life. Yes, it may have become distorted over the years by the misguided notion that money will bring happiness, but we shouldn't downplay the importance of the drive to have enough money to live a comfortable life. The American dream of owning a home and having a business or a job that can offer financial stability and independence is part of our heritage. We as a people are the ones who in a very real sense have raised the bar high in establishing the ideals of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

At the very inner core of the American consciousness, beyond the material things, is the conviction and the unshakable belief in the freedom of ideas. It is the freedom of ideas, above all, that that is worth fighting and dying for, because without this liberty all other freedoms would be hollow. American ingenuity and inventiveness is based on the notion that no system and no set of beliefs is beyond questioning.

If Einstein had not challenged the conventional beliefs and scientific precepts of his time he would not have made the remarkable contributions that he did. The drive to improve the quality of life is an inborn quality in each of us, but it is the unique American trait of casting aside false assumptions and limiting ideas that sets the standard for all to follow. We must not judge ourselves, therefore, by lesser standards and rest on our laurels, but measure ourselves against our own ideals. If we do this as a people and as a nation then the future is indeed bright.
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How to Be a Lovely Lady Without Losing Weight

You can actually be a very lovely lady without having to lose weight and look thin or slender. This article will tell you how to take care of yourself if you are female and do not want to lose weight but still be and look lovely.

Most of society has placed a stigma on women who are on the large side. Most women who are large hardly find ready-made clothes that can fit them. Our society has not grown to tolerate having fat females as models to display fashionable wears. The society has also not accepted watching fat females act lead roles in popular movies or treat robust women as celebrities to be admired on the catwalk. These societal norms impact negatively on the psyche of fat women and always keep them on the defensive wherever and whenever issues of weight is discussed.

There is nothing to be ashamed of if you are fat and on the large side. However, due to the health concerns associated with being fat and heavy, you should have to tone down to remain healthy and free from the terminal and dangerous diseases linked to being fat.

If you want to remain a lovely lady without losing weight, you must take care of your health needs. I will advise that you:
  1.  Exercise yourself at least three times a week for about 30 minutes each exercise session.
  2. Gradually reduce the amount of calories you consume on a daily basis to maintain and return your 
  3. shape to normal (where you have been deformed by excess fat)
  4. Wear dresses that promote your good points but hide your defects
  5. Reduce the consumption of fatty foods and junk meals to prevent the scourge of diabetes, high blood pressure, heart diseases and other conditions associated with being fat.
  6. Live an active instead of a sedentary life
  7. Consume natural foods that are not cooked. You can add fruits to your normal diet.
  8. Use natural and herbal weight loss pills to regulate your weight and avoid obesity
  9. Do not wallow in self-pity. Live your life as best you can and do things that make you happy and looking forward to the next day with joy and great expectations
You can still be a lovely lady without losing weight if you adhere to the points listed above. You may have other tips of your own to help you remain lovely and healthy regardless of your size and weight. The bottom line is, are you happy with the way you look? You should.
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Thursday, August 16, 2012

5 Temptations That You Need to Resist

Sometimes the temptations that come with working at home can be a bigger danger than we think. A danger to our health and our very livelihood. Here are a few work at home temptations to avoid.

1. Following too many gurus:

 There is a lot of good stuff out there and our natural inclination is to want to learn as much as we can to help us make a success of our business. The problem is that too much of a good thing really is too much. Choose a few at most so that you can stay focused and to help you move in a straight line, without becoming overwhelmed and confused.

2. Reading too much email:

 This can materialize in two ways. You can either check your mail too often throughout the day, taking up far too much time and getting you off of your schedule, or signing up for too many newsletters, courses and similar things resulting in information overload.

3. Too much input:
 Are you seeing a theme here? Your main focus needs to be on output. Unfortunately it's quite common today for the focus to be on input over various forms. Courses, email, social networks, videos... the list goes on. Too much input leaves not enough time or focus for the output needed to create a presence and income stream when you work online. If you want to see results, write that down and tape it to your desk. If you can consistently increase your output, you will be on your way.

4. Neglecting your health:

 Getting so caught up in your business that you don't leave time for spirit, exercise, relaxation, sleep and healthy eating is a huge temptation. The result is low energy, fuzzy thinking, mood swings, aging and and a general feeling of lethargy. Does that sound like something that will help you succeed? If you're thinking no, you're right. Neglecting your health is a dangerous path. No business is worth your health.

5. Neglecting your family:
 It's very tempting to put off spending time with your family until you think you will have more time. You may be thinking that you just need to get over the hump and then you will make it up. When you have your own home business, there is no hump. There will always be money to be made and things to do. And you can never make up neglecting your family. No business is worth your family either.

If you have found yourself struggling with these temptations in your own home business, being aware is the first step to making improvements.
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3 Ways to Make Her Fall in Love With You


"How do I find true love?" This is an all-important question, especially among couples who are not yet sure if the other person is The One. This seems like a no-brainer, but actually, how to find the girl for you requires strategy. The fastest way to a man's heart is through his stomach. On the other hand, for men who wonder "how can I find true love," here are 3 ways to make her fall in love with you:
  • Show some muscle. Women, even those fiercely independent ones, need men who are stronger than they are at certain low points in their life. Nowhere is she more in need than when she's drowned in the task of moving to a new place. Help her with the really heavy stuff that requires brute strength. Or, offer to help fix her flat tire. Being masculine in the real sense of the word conveys macho appeal.

  • Shower her with affection. Finding a soulmate requires displays of affection, whether done overtly or covertly. Some guys do it with flowers, some do it with flour. Send her flowers when she does well at work (and make sure she gets them in front of everybody, unless she categorically said otherwise), or bake her some sweets as consolation for that postponed promotion. Send her sweet messages day and night, upon waking up and before going to bed. It tells her in more ways than one that she is cared for. Men who put women in their minds are the ones likely to get the question "how can I find true love" answered.

  • Wear your heart on your sleeve. How to find the girl for you requires more than brute force, for sure. As much as you love the macho gig, it would score you points to show your soft spots. A man who does not feel diminished by a display of emotion conveys a message that he is into the relationship as much as she is into it. After all, how can you be so hard of heart when you are trying to answer "how can I find true love?" Finding a soulmate requires that you open your heart to the other half. You know she feels bad for the world's hungry children, so sympathize. Do you feel like shedding a tear or two with that melodrama on screen? Cry. Women want men who understand pain, in all its ugly glory. After all, only humans feel pain. Women want humans, not androids.
Try to implement these 3 ways to make her fall in love with you and see magic happen.

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Make Her Fall in Love With You Again - Tips to Get Your Girl Back

The goal of trying to get your girlfriend back can be intimidating. After all, she has already shown you that she will walk away from a relationship with you. This can cause you to wonder whether or not it is possible for you to make her fall in love with you again, however, you want to take note that many guys have done this before, and many of them were far less deserving than you.

Here are some tips to get your girlfriend back and make her fall in love with you again:

1. She has to see a NEW you.
Unless you can show her that you have made changes to yourself and you can make her see you from a new point of view, it IS going to be a struggle to attract her back. After all, to make her fall in love with you again, she has to feel the same way that she did when she met you.

2. You cannot rely on pressuring her.
I don't know about you, but I know I would not fall in love with someone that pressured me. So, when you are pursuing your ex, the last thing that you want to do is to make her feel pressured to make a decision. If she does feel the pressure from you, the results are not going to be to your liking.

3. You have to be willing to fall back and let her fall in love with you, again. It's one of the hardest things to do, but you have to be able to give your ex girlfriend the proper distance so that she can evaluate things and make a decision on her own. There are ways to make it hard for her not to want you, but in the end, it does have to be her decision.

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6 Reasons to Never Give Up on Your Dream

You've all heard it before... the old "Never give up on your dream" speech. But little by little, one by one, those dreams of yours fall to the ground, get covered by life's mundane realities and are never thought of again. Book after book and motivational speech after speech, yet somehow those dreams still lie buried beneath your doubts and confusion.

But then something magical happens. You search on YouTube for an inspirational video and somehow under the muck, that spark glimmers yet again. It's your dream! It seems to be calling out to you. You look as other people seem to be fulfilling their dreams and say aloud to yourself, "Maybe I can do this... again."

Life has a way of getting people caught up in its necessities and responsibilities that prior dreamers don't even realize they've allowed their own dream to die. Here are six reasons to never give up on your dream.
1. Your dream was placed in your heart for a purpose.

Some people think having a dream is some sort of self-serving possibility they will get to if they have time. But what you need to know is that you have been chosen to carry this dream to reality. If you don't do it, who will? Your dream carries a premium price because it serves a purpose greater than you.
2. Your dream uncovers a need in the world.

Let's assume your dream is for others beyond yourself. You must stay focused on the fact that if you give up, others will not experience the answer to their problem. Understand that the decision to quit is always bigger than you.

3. People secretly believe you will succeed.

We all know about the "haters"-those who secretly (or even openly) want to sabotage your dreams. But let's not focus on them yet. There is a whole other group of people who want you to win! See, if you accomplish your dreams, you will give them that needed burst of faith to accomplish (or maybe even begin) their dream.
4. People want you to fail.

Here is where the haters come in. There are actually people in your life right now who are stuck in life. They want to get out, but they are not willing to commit the time, energy, money (in some cases) or belief into digging their way out of the quicksand of failure. Indeed, they feel more comfortable in their present situation than taking strides to change it. It's scary for them. So they want you to stay stuck with them.
You must make the decision to keep pressing through, no matter what the haters say. As you pick up your dream again, you just might entice a few of them to pick up theirs.

5. Your "Why"

Why did you begin on the journey to your dream in the first place? Making money was probably a good motivator, but what is the real "Why" behind the dream. Is to break the cycle of poverty in your family? To travel the world? To stop a horrendous social crime in your country? At the inception of your dream, what was the reason you even began?

When you are tempted to quit on your dream, go back to your "Why" and remind yourself that the need is still there, and you need to keep going.

6. You Owe it to Yourself

You can spend all day and night trying to accomplish your dream for others, but at the end of the day, you need to realize that you owe it to yourself to succeed. At the end of your life, don't you want to be able to smile, knowing you made a difference in the world and accomplished the very thing you were created for? Then go. Pick that dream up, dust it off and refocus.

Remember, success is a choice. It is the byproduct of determination, skill, hard work and let's not forget, faith.
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Finding Your Purpose and Living Your Dream

This is a subject I have spoken about before, but want to talk about again because we are in this season of high school and college graduation. Students are now considering their future. Some will defer to their parents and let them continue to make decisions for them, while others make the decision to take control of their own lives.

Recognize that you can't possibly do everything, and you can't be all things to all people. Remove from your life those material things, practices and relationships that are no longer aligned with your goals. That includes people who drag you down, who you spend time with out of sheer obligation, who prey on your good nature, or who pull you back into bad habits when you're trying to change. New opportunities you never imagined will rush in to fill that space.

You'll find it much easier to focus on those things that truly matter to you, and those dreams you're determined to make come true. If you're clear on your Purpose, you'll also find it much easier to keep fresh clutter out of your life.

We need to continually reassess our lives because we often let those things back into our lives that pull us down.

YOU are responsible for yourself. Responsible for what you do. Responsible for who you are. Responsible for the way you face the world and deal with it. You aren't a victim of your childhood or your past or your circumstances--unless you choose to be.

It's not easy. Nothing worthwhile is. But it DOES get easier if you're clear about your purpose and you embrace it with passion.

The actions you take to solve a particular problem or to make a change in your life break down into two categories: direct actions and indirect actions. Indirect actions are things that require the cooperation of other people. Direct actions, are actions that you can take right now.

When it comes to setting goals, all or almost all the steps you take toward your goal should be based on direct actions.

Dreams aren't bestowed from above. You have to reach out and take them. All it requires is hard work, strategy and the determination to see it through.

We are all unique in our personalities and behavior patterns, and no one knows better than us what we have a passion for. Therefore, it behooves you to take control of your life, find your passion, and pursue it relentlessly.

Some people have a passion for entrepreneurship, while others, work better with others making the decisions for them in the workplace because they've feared taking on total responsibility when it comes to making decisions.

This is why it is very important to know yourself and your natural behavioral style. When you let someone else make your employment decisions for you, you will end up living their lives, or you will resent them pointing you in the wrong direction when it comes to a long-term career.

I grew up in an era when women had few opportunities when it came to employment. They were encouraged to go into teaching or secretarial schools. During this era, you had many teachers who were there for the pay rather than helping students reach their potential. These teachers didn't want to be there, therefore, many of their students were not inspired or encouraged to set higher goals for themselves.

Today women have a wider range of opportunities when it comes to employment and have even chosen self-employment as an option for themselves. This gives them the opportunity for flexi time, so they can multitask and take care of their families without being guilty.

Everyone has dreams as children of what they want to be when they grow up. It is up to their parents to guide them, without reliving their lives through their children. This becomes very tricky, because if the theory is a poor communicator, they become very dictatorial, rather than discussing the future with the children, or asking them for their opinion.

When the parent is a good communicator and understand how to guide their child effectively, the child will grow up well-rounded and be able to make the right decisions for themselves. There should always be parenting classes for adults that help them learn to communicate with their children effectively and helped him mature as adults.

Society still have a long way to go to understand how to help adults be good parents to their children! Learning starts in the home early before the child even answers. Received a formal education. Not only will parents but the school systems have to reinvent the education system to help children grow up to be responsible adults in today's society.

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6 Quick Weight Loss Strategies That Backfire Every Time

1. SKIP BREAKFAST (or other meals)

When you cut calories, you will lose weight. That much is true. But skipping a meal is not the right way to do this - especially if the meal you skip is breakfast.

Much better than skipping any meal is eating more often - that's right we said eating more often.

Here's why... When you skip a meal or two, your body reacts by slowing the metabolism. Then when it's time to eat, you're hungrier and you end up eating more than your metabolism can handle.

This means that if you normally eat 1,800 calories, but then decide to lose weight by skipping breakfast and lunch but then eat 1,200 calories at dinner, your metabolism isn't "up and running" to handle the sudden calorie load at dinner time and the extra calories get stored - as fat.

So skipping a meal or two might sound good and right for losing weight, but it is the wrong thing to do.
Much better is to eat more often - maybe 5 or 6 times per day. If you can graze on smaller portions all through the day, your body's metabolism can handle it and nothing is sent to fat storage - provided of course that you stay within the normal calorie guidelines for your body type.


Cutting calories is definitely the way to lose weight but if you are too dramatic about it, then your body will over-react and go into starvation mode.

If your body thinks that there is no enough food to be had, it will react by hanging on to whatever fat it can - to keep you alive all through the "starvation mode".

What does this mean for you? Unless you are using prescription weight loss medication under doctors' orders, you should never be eating less than 1,200 calories per day for women or 1,400 calories per day for men.


Walk yourself thin. Sounds good, doesn't it?

The problem is that going for a walk is a low-intensity, low-calorie effort. So while it may take some weight off if you really have lots to lose, it won't do the job you want if you're trying to get down to your ideal weight.

When doctors say get some exercise to lose weight, we're talking about other higher-intensity cardiovascular activities - like jogging, swimming, gym class or pretty much anything that gets you into a sweat.

This is the rule off thumb to follow - if your exercise breaks you into a sweat and you're doing it 3 or more times a week for 30 minutes or more, then you're on the right track.

Of course, sweating as you walk to the pool doesn't count!


Lots of people follow this strategy for unsuccessful weight loss - just cut out your worst food weakness and off go the pounds.

While you may feel good about putting yourself through the pain and suffering of denial, it sure doesn't help take off the pounds.

Losing weight is a whole day, every day affair, not just skipping pizza or cake.

After all, when you skip your favorite comfort food, our minds work to tell us we "deserve" something else and so we reward ourselves with an extra scoop of this or that.

Even worse, if you really suffer in your denial, it quite often backfires ending up with you wanting those comfort foods so much that you break down, eat them anyway, and give up on your healthy ways entirely.
Better to stay on track with your weight loss campaign and eat just small amounts of these "special comforts" as needed each day to stay feeling satisfied and not guilty.


Getting hot and sweaty in the sauna might seem like a good workout, but it's not at all a weight loss solution.
What's happening in the sauna is that your sweating and losing a lot of liquid mass otherwise retained in your body. In fact, if you weigh yourself after the sauna, you will generally weigh less - maybe even lose 2-3 pounds or more!

All that sweating might feel good and the scale might give you a good report, but none of it lasts because your body will just replace the lost water mass as soon as it can you'll be right back where you started.
Save the sauna for a special treat after the gym, but don't use it as a weight loss tool.


Well, Dr. Atkins sure got us going on this one, didn't he?

Just about everyone has lost weight with something like the Atkins Diet, which suggested eating mainly protein and no carbs.

The carb free diet works well, but like the sauna trick, the weight comes back on once you stop.
Staying on a carb-free diet is not permanent solution since it misses out on too many healthy foods that contain carbs but are needed by the body - like fruits and whole grains with the minerals, vitamins and fiber that your body needs.

You can try the carb-free lifestyle to lose weight like so many other people have, but your weight will almost certainly come back once you stop. (The transition from carb-free to normal can be done to permanently reset your metabolism and keep the weight off for life, but generally only under doctors' supervision.)
The better way to lose weight is to find a balanced and healthy diet that you can live with forever.

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Speed Is King: Speed Training Like Usain Bolt

Everybody wants to run faster. So why is it that some people are naturally faster runners than others?

In reality, there are two reasons. First, some people are born faster than you. Plain and simple, their joints, muscles and bone are connected in such a way that they are just plain more explosive than you. For those of you that are genetically gifted in this category, good for you! You are a step ahead of the game.

However, if you feel like your natural speed is below average, rest assured: there are literally hundreds of ways for you to increase your speed.

The second reason that some people are faster than you is because they simply train harder. This is a point of contention for some experts who claim that there is only so much you can do to increase your natural speed.
These experts are only about half right.

When training for speed, or for anything athletic, we encounter diminishing returns. This is when you get great results at first, but 'plateau' quickly, ending your streak of improvement.

The best way to avoid diminishing returns, especially when training for speed, is to introduce new workout routines, or especially new training equipment to your training regimen. This way, your body has a harder time getting accustomed to your training, and it improves faster.

This is not a miracle formula for running faster instantly, however, introducing speed training equipment to your normal routine will not only make your results more tangible, but will make them come faster as well.

What do I mean by speed training equipment? Here are some possibilities:

- Jump Rope: if you are any kind of athlete and are not jumping rope every day, you should start right now. Jumping rope not only converts fat mass into lean body mass, it also improves your agility, reaction time and explosiveness. Take 10 minutes a day and jump rope before you go to work or school.

- Weight Training: strength sometimes equals speed. If you are not lifting weights currently, you should sign up for a gym membership (one of the more expensive options, I know) and begin working on leg strength and power with squat variations. 3 sets, 5-8 reps, practice good form and don't hurt yourself.

- Parachute Running: Using a running parachute will multiply the speed and strength gains you get from a normal track workout. Also, they are pretty low-cost and portable. I definitely recommend picking one of these up.

There are countless other options, but I am a big proponent of these three, especially for speed training.
Check out Coach Mac's Speed Training Equipment [] page for our more information, advice and the best speed training equipment on the market.
Remember, consistency isn't everything, it's the only thing!

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Usain Bolt Success Secrets - Fastest Man in World, Olympic Gold Medalist, and World Record Holder

Usain Bolt is Ja-making his competition crazy! The Jamaican star runner is blasting past the pack in the 100 meter and 200 meter Olympic races.

Bolt has been doing the 200 meter run all his life since he started as a youngster in track and field in native Jamaica where the sport reins supreme.

Besides remarkable athleticism and God given talent, what are some of Usain Bolt's amazing success secrets?

1. Keep it simple and stay cool.

Usain likes to have fun with his teammates and share a laugh with his rivals. Only on event day does Bolt separate and go into compete mode. Otherwise Usain is fun and playful. On event day however he runs his heart out and says he competes like an animal.

When asked about Carl Lewis his predecessor who won the 100 and 200 meter races in the Olympics, Bold replied: "I don't think about it too much as that puts too much pressure on you. Like a baby, I'm taking a step at a time."

2. Know your weakness and work on it.

Bolt admits his weakness is his start, that being the worst (if there is such a thing for the fastest man on earth) part of his race. Hence the happy go lucky runner extensively and intensively works on every part of his race to improve his over all performance when he runs.

Style and his first 30 meters is what Bolt is working to further improve and correct. When asked going into Beijing what he thought would be the ideal time for the 100 meter run, Bolt said 9.85 (speaking of seconds) will win.

3. Always be advancing, seriously committed, and continually dedicating yourself.

To advance in sprinting, it requires "more dedication" to quote Bolt. "If you want to be a champion, you've got to take it seriously. When I was young I just wanted to party."

4. Embrace and celebrate competition.

When asked by ESPN how Jamaica continually produces world class runners, Bolt said, "It's all about competition. We're very competitive. We're all going (striving) to be the champion. Competition is huge."
Although Bolt befriends all other runners and is a likeable guy, he considers all rivals once on the track. Yet Usain wants his competitors such as Tyson Gay to recover and be well in order to increase the competition, so the true winner can ultimately emerge fairly.

Bolt says, "Jamaica looks forward to the challenge with the United States" as he welcomes all competition to prove who is undoubtedly the best.
5. Learn from the best and remain humble enough to be coached.

Bolt told ESPN, "My coach has guided me to the top."

To be at the leve of runner as Usain Bolt and to be humble enough to recognize and honor the value of your coach's contribution to your professional career is outstanding. Humility opens the door to many blessings on and off the track.

6. Enjoy yourself on and off the track.

Usain Bolt is the same person on and off the track, as is evident by the way he celebrated when finishing the 100 meter run in showboat fashion according to some. Yet whey not enjoy the moment considering you've worked for years for it!

Before running the 100 meter spring in Beijing I noticed Bolt's playful and loosey goosey mentality as he played with the moment and stayed cool. This enabled him to be loose, limber, and ready to bolt as his name accurately describes the fastest man in the world.

And so by enjoying and being fully present in the moment, Bolt can lose himself and become one with his event.
When asked which he would prefer - a world record or an olympic gold medal? Bolt said, "It's an honor to be the fastest man in the world, but to me it's more of an honor to be a gold medalist. A gold medal lasts longer than a world record. A world record can be broken any time or place."

When asked what it felt like to cross that finish line during the 100 meter race, Bolt replied, "It was a great feeling. I'm really happy with myself that I accomplished this."

Bolt's mother in the stands was greeted by her son and given a big hug (with a two ecstatic Chinese young men in between) after he won the 100 meter race. Bolt had his gold shoes on ready to be photographed by the world record sign and bore his Jamaican flag proudly during his victory run.
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Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Tupac Changes - Selected by the Vatican As Part of Its Playlist

Tupac Changes is a song performed by Tupac Shakur and written in collaboration with Bruce Hornsby. The song was done under the Interscope label in the year 1992.

The song contain lines from other songs that Tupac has recorded earlier such as "wonder if heaven has a ghetto". The song is considered as one of the most notable artistic works that Tupac released before his untimely death. The song was release posthumously in an album called greatest hits
Tupac's Changes was number one on Billboard in a number of countries such Norway and Netherlands. This was in addition to reaching the top ten in the singles charts of several countries.

The song had a strong message and talked about the various issues that Tupac had to contend with during his life time. The song tackled such issues as police brutality, drugs, and racism and gang violence.

The video of the song was a creation of Chris Hafner. The video was a compilation of various music videos that Tupac has released in his earlier works. This was brilliantly edited to produce a truly exceptional video that brings out the emotions in the song. The video also includes home videos and pictures that had not been released before then.

During the Grammy awards of 2000 the song was nominated in the best rap solo performance category. To this day it is the only posthumous song to receive the honor of being nominated in this category. Certain individuals are also named in the song such as Huey. Huey was the founder of the Black Panther party.

The popularity of the song was evident even during 1997 when the song was remixed. Its popularity was to extend even further than that. In 2010 the Vatican was to select it as part of its play list and now its part of the official Vatican MySpace music playlist. The song was considered to have the aim of reaching the hearts of good minded people.

Most regard Tupac as one of the greatest rappers that ever was and still to date there is not an artist who can match him. The issues discussed in the song Changes seem to have to be such as him saying that we were not ready to see a black president which is ironically what we have now. Even if you are not a hip hop fan you cannot help but identify with the lyrics of the song.
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Amazing life: meaning of love in a relationship

Amazing life: meaning of love in a relationship: Can anyone define the true meaning of love in a relationship? People often use the word "love" casually in everyday conversation. "...

meaning of love in a relationship

Can anyone define the true meaning of love in a relationship? People often use the word "love" casually in everyday conversation. "I love this house. I love my dog. I love to grow vegetables." What does this really mean? When we use this word so often does its meaning become watered down so it has less impact? Different people may define love in different ways.

Could love be defined as simply to want and hope the best for someone? This is fairly simplistic and not very deep. If this was the definition of love can it explain the deep emotional bond that two people have with each other; those that commit themselves to one another for a lifetime? Not likely. You can want and hope the best for dozens of people that you know. Does this mean you are "in love" with them? This may be too simple to define the true meaning of love in a relationship.

If you say you are in love with someone does that bring forth certain assumptions about your feelings for that person? When people say they are in love we assume that they care for, share with and trust the other person. Are these three things the basis for defining love?

Sometimes that fine line between friendship and love becomes difficult to distinguish. Think about the different aspects of the definition of love that I've listed already - to want and hope the best for someone; to care for, share with and trust someone. These things could define friendship as well, couldn't they? If we use the same words to define love and friendship then how can we distinguish between the two?

I think the definition of love goes much deeper than what is mentioned above. These critiria are components of love but they do not fully define it. There is something else that makes up the true meaning of love in a relationship. This may be something intangible; a feeling that you have that can't be accurately described in words. In any relationship you can develop and work on the caring, sharing and trust. You can't force that special feeling that you have when you are truly in love with someone. It's either there or it isn't.
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Food guide - weight loss

Weight Loss and Diet - How to Reduce Weight Quickly

The struggle for a fit and attractive body has been the prime emphasis of the common masses more than ever, now-a-days.

Lots of people facing weight loss issues have tried ample number of methods to lose their weight, but hardly gained success mainly due to their misconceptions regarding the right amount and type of food needed to be consumed.

'The Diet Solution Program' offers a very unique approach towards healthy food and weight loss guidelines.
It's been the result of Isabel De Los Rios's personal experience and hard work and is now destroying the common myth which makes us believe that dieting is nothing but starvation or consuming tasteless, boring diet foods through the imposition of very strict dietary disciplines over our whole life.

In it, she also explains the science on how sugar causes weight gain.

At first, the program pays special attention to all those view points and advices put forward by various nutrition experts whom very often seem to misguide people.

To say for example, one of the biggest mistakes made while dieting is 'starving'.

In actuality starving has the complete opposite effect than believed, because at times of extreme hunger, the body tends to hold on to the fat than getting rid of it, making weight loss impossible.

As probably figured out by ourselves, no diet can actually be successful by imposing different types and amounts of food that really don't suit our taste buds.

While most diet programs seen advertised on the television promote counting calories, but that approach doesn't produce the results needed since the amount of calories consumed doesn't matter as much as the quality of food eaten.

Thanks to The Diet Solution, it is now possible to know what are the foods to avoid that could negatively lead in enormous blood sugar level increases after consumption (whole wheat bread, orange juice, cereal etc) as well as those that positively influence in burning fat (whole eggs, bacon, steak and many more).
Most importantly, one would also learn why it is necessary to avoid processed and packaged foods that contain lots of sugar and chemicals that are bad for us.

The Diet Solution program would teach us everything in and out on how to practice a flexible diet that would not take over our life, but would rather suit our life habits and still enable us to lose weight.

Thanks to the step-by-step approach given in the book, we can still start slowly by applying one change at a time and generate the results the way we want.

When ordering today, you'll get everything included inside the Diet Solution Program.

-The Diet Solution manual, a metabolism typing test (which helps you personalize the diet to your metabolism type), the success journal you can use to keep track of your progress, and all of the supplemental materials too - the food shopping guide, the quick start guide, the top 10 nutritional mistakes keeping you fat guide, the Diet Solution recipe book that contains some simple, delicious, and yet healthy recipes, and the completely done-for-you meal plans so you don't even have to think about what to eat and when to eat it.

The sad part is that the Diet Solution is not available in any stores. It can only be ordered online. The regular price is actually $97, but now there is a special discount, making the whole package available for only $47.
If you're desperately craving for a slim figure, grasping straws and wanting to initiate something absolutely new, hoping for a miracle to happen, then this modern approach towards dieting could be your ultimate solution.

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Loving Your Body

Are you, one of the 9 out of 10 women in our country today, who is in a war with your body? Do you believe the only way you'll have the body you want, the body men will be attracted to, is by controlling your body: rigidly exercising, putting yourself on massively depriving diets, and repeatedly telling your body what is not OK about it (which is putting it mildly)? At rock bottom do you realize that you believe that your body is dangerous, not to be trusted and is the enemy? We live in a world where there is a profound mistrust and fear of our body. And the real truth is that your body can be a very trusted friend and partner.

Do you realize there is another way to live? Do you know your body is the way you experience life and if you lock it up, or are afraid of it, you deprive yourself of being fully alive, fully present, living moment to moment. Are you willing to unlock the door and stop treating your body as if it were a wild animal but rather a wise friend?

Are you ready to Love your Body, discover who and what it really is, break out of centuries of bondage, and reclaim your female power, beauty and freedom from the inside out??? 


1. There is only one way: accept your body as it is now. There is a place in us that lives from acceptance and love, it loves and accepts what is, and doesn't judge. Look at your body from the place in you that loves and accepts what is.

2. Your acceptance has to be from you head and your heart. You are not accepting when your head says "I accept" while you are feeling otherwise from your heart. That's conflict, not acceptance.

3. Make your body your friend and partner.

4. Enjoy the pleasure, your body can feel: sensual, subtle, sexy...

5. Listen to its pain-your body is your best barometer for letting you know attention must be paid-emotional or physical.

6. Listen to all the needs of your body: bodies like to rest, play, sleep, move, dance, breathe, and much more.


Did you know that you can accept your body and still choose to lose weight? But losing weight from fear or judgment is diametrically the opposite of losing weight from LOVE. Did you know that when you eat what your body wants and you eat slowly, really experiencing the food, you will eat less and you will lose weight naturally? Discover it's not your body that stuffs it's face when you are lonely, angry, frustrated... And when your body is being fed by life and all the other things it loves your body won't want to eat as much, because food will not be it's only source of pleasure.

Remember accepting you body as a friend is a process. It will take time. Be kind to yourself.

Take your first step... you are on your way to walking in balance, honoring the whole of you and living from love and trust, not fear and control. You are on your way toward ending your war. How good for you and our world.

I always want to hear from you.
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Monday, August 13, 2012

Telling Your Ex Girlfriend You Love Her - Is It a Good Idea?

Telling your ex girlfriend that you love her is one of those things that sounds like it would be easy to do when you think about it in your mind, but when the time comes where you actually are going to declare that this is the way that you feel - it can get really hard really quickly. You might be having second thoughts about telling her that you still love her and you may not be sure if it is a good idea or not. So, is it a good thing to tell your ex that you still love her?

Part of your confusion probably stems from the fact that you are taught that it is always good to be totally open and honest when you are in a relationship. Here is the thing with that, though - you aren't in a relationship with her anymore. At least, not the romantic kind. So, those rules don't apply anymore. My suggestion is that you hold off telling your ex that you still love her, unless of course, you don't mind getting your heart broken when she gives you that look that tells you that she did not want to hear that.
Love Is Fine When The Time Is Right -

One of the "secrets" about telling a woman that you love her is that it really only should be done when the time is right. When the timing is not right, you aren't going to see the same effect. What you have to do if you want her to feel the same way about you is take her to that point where she feels that way about you again, then you can tell her the way that you feel. If you declare your love for her before you reach that point - don't expect her to tell you that she feels the same way.

How Do You Make Her Love You Again?

Now that you know that you are going to have to make her love you again, it's only natural that you are going to want to know how you can do that. That's the tricky part. It always seems to work best if you approach your ex girlfriend from the vantage point of seeing her as a new woman in your life. Don't bring up reminders of the past, instead make her forsee a future that is fun and full of excitement if she were to start dating you again. Don't be a bummer and make her feel guilty about the fact that you miss her or feel heartbroken. Instead, make her feel like she starting off on a new foot with you and that you are not going to drudge up the past issues that got in the way. Most importantly, you need to work on triggering her feelings of sexual attraction towards you as well.

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Friendship and Love

Both are so much related to each other. And both are so dissimilar! What are the differences between friendship and love? Is platonic friendship possible between persons of opposite sex? Let us try and understand.

What is friendship? Why do we call a person our friend? When do we call someone a very good friend? If we care for a person, if we are always ready to help that person and if we share most of our thoughts with a person, they are our good friends. We can always count upon our good friends in an emergency. We are always sure that our friend will understand why we acted in a certain way. We need not explain anything to our very good friends. The friendship is so deep and the relationship is so intimate, that most of the things are automatically understood by our friends.

What about love? In a relationship of deep love, all the sharing that we discussed above are taken for granted. But love transcends all this. During love, we are attached with a particular person, while in friendship, one may have many friends. A loving relationship makes one so much attached to the other, that one gets pained if his/her beloved is hurt! Love also involves a physical element. Friendship does not have that. This is a vital difference. Nature gives us love so that the specie can go forward. Nature does not give us friendship.

Your heart beats will never increase in anticipation of meeting your friend. You will not lie awake at night thinking about your friend. You will not feel totally lost, if you don't meet your friend for a few days. You will not have dreams in your eyes thinking about your friend. But in love, you will do all this and much more. Indeed, there is no comparison between love and friendship.

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Beauty Mint Skin Care Review

What's especially informative about Beauty Mint Skin Care is that whether you opt to use one of their anti-aging formula's or not, you can take a free consultation on their website through 3 quick and easy steps.
No details or email are required, you can simply assess your specific personalized skin concerns, through a set of simple questions based on the appearance and texture of your skin type and lifestyle.
It's an individualized and one quite unique online approach that at least saves you the cost of visiting a dermatologist.

Adopted from the "Beverly Hill's Clinic", this skin care approach is devised by the Nerida Skin Care Consultation, so each consultation will obviously differ from person to person.
Getting down to the variations of products Beauty Mint formulate and provide, the essential ingredients included boil down to nature's most nourishing botanicals, to help you achieve protected, beautiful and youthful-looking skin.


• Peptides
• Acai fruit
• Green tea
• Shea butter
• Marine collagen
• Mulberry extract
• Elastin
• Chamomile
• Cucumber extract
• Aloe Vera

Nerida Joy is the skin care expert behind Beauty Mint which she began more than 30 years ago.
Nerida has worked with numerous celebrities and was named the "Top 15 Facialists" by Self and Ellemagazines in the U.S, but accolades aside, her belief like many serious dermatologists is that beautiful skin is not achieved under the knife or through some $400 anti-aging cream, but in your daily routine at work and at home.


By pinpointing the specifics of your personal daily life this such as diet, exercise and general lifestyle influences, Nerida argues you will target the right solutions to reap the most effective results.

Therefore whether it's controlling your own environmental damage if say you live in a polluted cit or protecting yourself from the sun if your profession involves constant UVA exposure, whatever your skins goals, there's a formula to suit each individual.


As we age and collagen production begins to decline little by little from as young as twenty years old, most women and men's concerns derive from fine lines, wrinkles, burst capillaries around the eyes or dark under eye circles as they're often referred to, or just tired dull looking skin.

However as experts will purport, there's always a customized plan that can be implemented from one person to the next to reap targeted solutions.


Experience all the benefits of Beauty Mint's innovative products, and get access to the best beauty expertise and resources.

The Secret Beauty Tips of Women With Flawless Skin

Did you ever notice that some women have flawless skin and look radiant? What is their secret? These women don't really have the flawless skin you think they do, they just know the beauty secrets that make it look that way with good skincare, guidance on how to take care of themselves, beauty treatment recipes, and the way they apply their makeup.
Every woman has some features that they would like to highlight or some features that they would like to hide. But, we all want makeup and beauty tips that give us the steps of learning how to get that perfect skin, or how to have soft hands and feet, how to take care of ourselves, how to clear up acne, and step by step makeup tips.
When a woman looks her best, that is when her real beauty shines through, and when a woman uses the proper skin care techniques, and uses the correct makeup application steps to look like she has flawless skin, and takes care of her body her real beauty will show!
I find that when I need guidance on makeup application, having a professional guide to give makeup application tips is very helpful! It not only has a professional makeup artist telling me how to apply the makeup, but I can see if it will be easy for me to do to myself.
Also, when I have a guide or a manual to go by with step by step instructions, I get inspired to give myself beauty treatments like how to make a homemade masks, how to apply my makeup, how to do a pedicure or manicure or a nice soothing milk bath mixture to whip up that will give my skin a radiant glow.
Elizabeth Steed has been an affiliate marketer for many years and is also a licensed cosmetologist and has many websites and blogs on the subject of working at home and health and beauty.

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Saturday, August 11, 2012

Beauty Ideas for Women

A woman wants to look beautiful all her life and a beautiful you will come with boosted confidence and a high self-esteem. It is important to know the best ways to take care of your skin, hair, eyes and nails in order to remain beautiful. Among the beauty tips for women is a lifestyle change that involves a healthy diet and healthy habits. The skin responds to what we eat and a healthy looking skin indicates a healthy diet. Eating a balanced diet is necessary and the skin will flourish in diets that are high on fruits and vegetables. These help in replenishing the skin to give it a healthy glow. Taking up to eight glasses of water daily is another beauty tip that will ensure that your skin is well cleansed.

To keep that skin glowing, it is advisable to embark on the three-phase treatment for the face that includes cleansing, toning and moisturizing. The first thing you do is to wash your face with the appropriate face wash, which is followed by cleansing. Toning comes third followed with moisturizing which ensures that your face does not dry up. Using a sunscreen is highly recommended at all times since the skin is very sensitive to weather changes. Overexposure to sun is a known cause for skin cancers and it is therefore important to ensure that you wear your sunscreen in all weather. The lips are a prominent feature on the face and you do not want to walk around with dry chipped lips. It is therefore best to apply lip balm, Vaseline or a petroleum jelly to ensure that they are well moisturized through the day. Hair defines a woman and the healthier it looks the better.

Among the beauty tips for women is trimming your hair often to rid it of split ends. It is also advisable to keep it healthy using henna packs, natural proteins or amla-reetha-shikakai packs. Hair must be kept moisturized and oils such as almond, castor, and olive are highly recommended. To ensure that your scalp stays clean and dandruff free, it is important to shampoo your hair at least twice a week. Conditioning it is vital, as it will ensure that it is soft and manageable. Styling your hair appropriately makes up the beauty tips for women and it is important to style it according to your face shape. Another beauty tip for women is indulging in a body massage weekly to ensure that your body stays firm and hydrated.

To remove the unwanted hair, it is ideal to opt for waxing for the legs and hands. When buying cosmetics, it is important to test them to ensure that they do not end up harming your skin. This is done through a patch test to ensure that it does not react with your skin or cause allergic conditions. Beauty tips for women on cosmetics insist that you should stick to one brand that works for your skin since experimentation with many others may make your skin sensitive. Another important beauty tip is to ensure that you remove your entire make up before retiring to bed. This ensures that you do not take debris to bed, which may cause rashes, acne, and excessive oil secretions.

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How to Make Happy Birthday Wishes

Everyone has a birthday, and it can be guaranteed that everyday, someone may be celebrating a birthday. Some people may dislike celebrating birthdays, because it means that they are older than they previously were, while others may embrace and look forward to birthdays, believing that getting older, may also mean getting wiser.

Birthday wishes can be more meaningful, when the recipient is made to feel happier and more expectant about getting older.The attitude that one may have about birthdays may depend on personal or existing circumstances, such as age or status. Younger children may be more happy about birthday celebrations, because it means they are getting older, while the older generation will have a preference for delaying the ageing process. However it is perceived, birthdays are inevitable as long as you remain alive, and the choice can be made as to what can or should be done with it.

Birthdays are nothing without the happy birthday wish, and there are several ways to deliver a happy birthday wish. Birthday wishes can be in the form of a single line, an established quote, or a completely developed poem or essay. The manner in which the birthday wish is delivered will depend on the relationship to the recipient.

A personal touch or physical contact may be preferred in some circumstances, while in others, a greeting referred by a third party or some kind of intermediary may be more suitable. It is also possible that some people may not be comfortable delivering birthday wishes personally. Celebrating birthdays should be happy occasions, and although wishing someone a happy birthday can be perfunctory, genuine happiness may be difficult to fake, and recipients will be more receptive when your wishes are genuine.

One of the popular ways to deliver birthday greetings is with birthday cards. There is an entire industry developed around the function of writing birthday greetings. Wishes can be written in a funny or witty style, or they can warm and romantic. Cards may also be specific to the relationship. There are cards for close relatives, coworkers, fiancées, and supervisors or bosses. There are even cards for delivering late birthday wishes.

In the age of electronic communications, birthday wishes can easily be delivered electronically. Cards can be sent electronically, or greetings can be sent via email, text messages or updates on social networks. One of the perceived benefits of the social network profile, is that greetings can be programmed to be sent automatically on the birthday. Some recipients can be quite appreciative of receiving a happy birthday greeting, especially on a day that they may feel forgotten or neglected.

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Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How to Improve Your Ibadah (prayer) During the Month of Ramadan

  To Muslims, Ramadan is a month of acceptance, forgiveness, and deliverance. Muslims believe that Allah (SWT) bestowed the month for them as a bonus to exonerate a sinful soul. That's why you need to work and pray harder to be delivered during this month. But it's easier said than done. Years upon years you keep making promises -- to complete the recitation of the holy Quran (from Baqara to Naas) or to always observe tahajjud at night or to never miss taraweeh prayer, but you just can't live up to your promises -- you keep failing. What you need are some simple steps to help you improve on your daily ibadah during the month of Ramadan. Here are the steps:

Be Dedicated :

You have to be committed to doing your best in the holy month of Ramadan. You can't afford to slacken on your ibadah, knowing fully the reward that's in the month in which the holy Quran was revealed.

Stay Organize:

Organize yourself. Make a To-Do list of your activities. If you have 10-hours free, you could organize yourself as follows:

2-hours: for Qiyam-al-Layl
2-hours: for Quranic recitation
2-hours: for Quranic studies
1-hour: for supplications
2-hours: for attending tafseer
1-hour: for socializing with friends and neighbors

The month of Ramadan is too valuable; you can't afford to waste a second of your time without any zikr. It's also good to set some goals (of what milestone of ibadah you want to achieve) during the month of Ramadan, and record your progress as you move ahead. This will give you the zeal to worship harder in order to attain your goals.

Stick to Your Schedules :

Stick to your To-Do list. Don't just devise a good plan on how to run your day during the sacred month of remission; by all means, stick to your plan. Plan only for what you can do; don't plan a task you can't undertake. Draft a simple, easy plan, and follow every bit of it.

Listen to Tafseer:

List "listening to tafseer" as a priority in your program. Attending tafseer in your local mosque is very important. Aside from keeping you up-to-date of the prize and profit of the Month, attending to tafseer also teaches you more about the bonuses and blessings of Ramadan. You don't want to miss an afternoon or evening tafseer in the holy month of Ramadan.
Drop Your Gadgets Aside

Okay this might be hard for you, but that iPhone or iPad of yours might cause you big reward. Therefore, drop those MP Players, CDs, Play Stations, and tablets away and set your focus straight on your Merciful Lord. If your cable satellite or Blackberry subscription expires, don't worry to subscribe back. Those movies and BB chats are distractions to your ibadah efforts. Avoid such entertainments in the holy month and other months!
The month of Ramadan is the holiest month for Muslims. It's the month of blessings and deliverance where doors of rahma are kept wide open to deliver anyone who seeks for it. Ibadah is our key to these doors, and that is why we need to strategize hard and sacrifice our blackberries for spiritual berries, and while the month of Ramadan is wrapped with Laylat-al-Qadr, we have to improve on our ibadah to witness it. May Allah help us. Amen.

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Religious Tolerance and World Peace

Religious tolerance means accepting others religions in their own way. You have to accept religious beliefs of others and practices, even though you cannot agree with their practices or beliefs. Religious tolerance is important because it helps us to honor and appreciate the differences between our religious practices. Religions sometimes separate us in terms of practices, but at the same time it keeps us together. Religious tolerance is the road to world peace. In order to build global peace we have to avoid violence and follow morals that are preached by the religions.

Both believers and non-believers are living in the same society. So, it is important to have religious tolerance to maintain peace among people all around the world. By knowing the essence of other religions, you will come to know almost all the religions are preaching the same morale. Human rights violations are due to religious intolerance and such violations aggravate misunderstanding between people. This will arise several threats to the security globally and regionally. Solutions for religious intolerance can be found in the teachings of any religion and in all spiritual teachings all around the world.

Each religious community has a responsibility of their own so that their preaching should help in ending conflicts and strengthen the security so that fear is replaced by trust. Responsibility of each individual is important in each religion. If you have to feel oneness and find humanity in the mind of each individual, there should be a universality of religious expressions. Hence, unity in diversity is important in religious tolerance. It is important to have the feeling of oneness and humanity to maintain cooperation and peace within our globe.
Religious intolerance always hinders love and peace. Religious intolerance is mostly because of ignorance and limited knowledge. Education can help you to enhance the spiritual values inside the human beings.

Through education also you can develop religious tolerance because only government laws cannot help to stop the religious intolerance.

Religious intolerance is due to the differences in opinions of people of different religions. If you want to inculcate principles and values to mind and hearts of people, then only education can provide enough information that are accurate. Education will also correct the misconceptions in the mind of people. Education enables us to show not only tolerance towards different religions, but also to appreciate different beliefs genuinely from our heart. Education teaches us not to think emotionally, but intellectually. The curriculum of education should consist of the comparative study of various spiritual traditions and scriptures in order to know the essence of each religion. Through proper understanding of each religion, you will know the similarities on ethical matters.

Most of the ancient wars are fought between people and countries because of the religious intolerance. People usually did not believe in other religious groups. But in this modern world, you have to be logical and realize that those old beliefs were wrong. There are many definitions on God in different scriptures, but all of them say about a single entity which is God. Each country has its own responsibility for maintaining world peace. We should not allow the people to destroy themselves and torture others physically and mentally in the name of God.

You should eliminate disparity, prejudice and hostility towards other religions even if you don't have any belief in those. You should understand other scriptures, their ideas and essence so that you will know that all religious scriptures are preaching the same thing. Religious intolerance never helps you to reach anywhere. Hence, it is important to have religious tolerance to maintain world peace and security.

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Live A Happy Life And Stop Worrying

We all strive to live a happy life, but unfortunately all over the world there are people who are worrying about something. This could be related to work, family life, children, money or personal problems. If you are one of these people who are constantly worrying, then it is important not to feel alone and to realise that happy times do lay ahead for you. Worrying is a very destructive habit and unfortunately it can take over our lives and affect everything that we do.

Sometimes we try to push our worries to one side so that we can get on with our daily lives such as working or studying. But unfortunately our subconscious keeps these worries with us, and we end up carrying them around with us, regardless as to what we are doing. Worrying is incredibly destructive and has the ability to affect us without us even noticing.

The process of worrying comes from the fear of a particular situation. In order to overcome this, you need to eliminate the stress that is associated with being worried. Instead you need to replace the worry and fear with positive thoughts that will help you to lead a happy life.

You need to start limiting the negative thoughts that you have, and replace them with positive ones. This will help you to see far more clearly, and therefore make it easier for you to figure out the best possible solutions.
Many people feel that writing down their thoughts can help them to lessen the burdens and consequently ease the fear and worry. Writing them down is like getting it off your chest. It will allow you to look at the situation differently and more positively.

When trying to handle the habit of worrying and achieve a happy life you need to remember to take it one day at a time. We all need to learn to appreciate each day that we have, and therefore we should avoid worrying about tomorrow. Live for today and look at the positives for that day. If it helps, then you should say out loud the things that you are thankful for. When you sit down at night and reflect on the day, you will soon realize that there is a lot more positivity in your life. Over time the unnecessary worrying will stop and you will live a happy life with far less worries and stress.

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How to Be Happy - 7 Secrets For a Happy Life

We all want to be happy, but something always gets in the way. There is never enough time... or money. Somebody is always failing to do what they are "supposed" to do... or not do. Our boss, our spouse, our kids, our parents, our friends, government, big business, whoever... "They" aren't doing it right. "They" failed us. We are angry, and we have a right to be angry. But is that righteous anger making us happy?
Happiness is not something anyone else can give us... or take away from us. Happiness is what we make of our lives... or don't. Whatever our circumstances, we can create a joyful life... or a miserable life. It is up to us.

7 Secrets for a Happy Life

1. Self-Respect: If I don't love and respect myself, who will? It all starts right here with ME. If I think that I'm a pretty good person, it doesn't much matter what anyone else thinks. And the irony is that once I like myself, most everyone else will like me too. People enjoy being around people who speak well of themselves - not in an arrogant boastful way, but with honest self-appreciation.

2. Forgive Everyone for Everything: Angry and happy don't mix. Flush out the angry, and the happy has a place to put down roots. Until we forgive everyone for everything, we hold on to anger and resentment. Once we forgive, we can become happy. Forgiving is not a gift to someone else - Forgiving is our gift to ourselves - a great gift - the gift of happiness.

3. Be Grateful for All of Life: Each of us has been infinitely blessed - beginning with the gift of life. Whatever may appear to be missing or broken on any particular day, our glass is not half full, it is 99.9% full. More practically, when we feel ungrateful, we become unhappy. When we choose to feel and express our gratitude, the act of feeling and speaking our thanks creates a happiness within us. The more we express our gratitude, the more we have for which to be grateful. Today and every day, take time to celebrate life - whether an hour's meditation in a quiet natural space, or a brief moment's conscious pause to breathe deeply and celebrate gratitude for life.

4. Choose Happiness: Everything in life is a choice. There is never anything we ever "need" to do. Every action and thought is a choice and has consequences - pleasant or unpleasant. Whether you go to work today, change jobs, smile at the bank teller, order fried fish, yell at your kids, complain about life, hold a daily celebration of gratitude for life - they are all choices. Happiness is a choice. Stay alert and make conscious choices for happiness.

5. Begin at the End: You can never reach your destination if you don't have a destination. Decide what accomplishments you want recorded on your tombstone. Take a whole quiet day to consider your life. Be very clear that your happiness does NOT depend on reaching your goal. In fact, it's the reverse. Your happiness depends on accepting whatever life throws at you while you walk the path toward your goal. What is important for your happiness is having a goal, and working toward it.

6. Start Today: Whatever you want in life, start today. Not tomorrow - today. Let it be a small beginning - a tiny beginning. Your happiness depends on starting today - every day.

7. Life is NOT "Supposed to be Fair": Know that there is no single way that life is "supposed" to be. Demanding that life meet our expectations is a sure fire recipe for a miserable existence. Life is a game with no rules. Life just happens to us regardless of our best intentions. Our only path to happiness lies in being open to receiving whatever life throws at us - with Gratitude. Have NO Expectations of life.
Jonathan Lockwood Huie has been dubbed "The Philosopher of Happiness" by those closest to him, in recognition of his his on-going commitment to seeing Joy in all of life. Jonathan's intention is to share his insights for Joyful Living with the widest possible audience.

** Today is your day to dance lightly with life. It really is. - jonathan lockwood huie **
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Sunday, August 5, 2012

Fall in love

What are the ways to fall in love and stay in love? Couples counseling can help two people enjoy a healthy relationship. Start today with these ten direct and established things you can do now, or this week, to improve the dynamics of your intimate relationship. Isn't it time you started feeling passionate about your partner to help your relationship?

1. Show your love and appreciation.

 You show your partner you care when you demonstrate that you adore and cherish them. Gifts? Small remembrances? Doing a small job for them? Don't assume they remember from a few years a go what you said or did. Be creative, thoughtful, and bold for increased sexual intimacy.

2. Live in the moment, be present.

Let your soul soar with what makes you happy, and laugh, enjoy pleasure, don't take time for granted. Make more time to enjoy your vibrant energy through doing what you love, and then enjoy the moments of quiet, profound peace inside afterwards. Many call this mindfulness. Enhance your marriage, and remember you can also be more present with your self, as an adult. Individual and marital therapy can show you how.

3. Enjoy memories.

 Without believing you have to live in the past, reflect on the fun, joyful memories that have been created. Our feelings are connected with our thoughts, so when you remember the good times, the feelings can be recreated in our mind and body that we had with the experience.

4. Think about the future and offer your dreams.

 When you have a purpose that you love, don't you have more energy? Set some goals, dreams, and hopes up so you can both work towards them. This can keep you from feeling stuck, unmotivated, and bland. Your heart, what you love, is a powerful motivator!

5. Love your partner for who THEY are.

 In the passionate stages of intimacy, didn't we all believe the high energy would never stop? Then the differences began to emerge, and our romantic image of the other fades a bit. Remember to make a list of the many things (start with 50 and try for 100!) that are wonderful, great, and lovable in your mate, then show the list to them!

6. Try new things.

 We tend to love new adventures and experiences because we all love to expand our knowledge, skills, and capabilities. Confront the ruts that couples can get in to by learning something new. What about unusual classes, experiences, or trips?

7. Remember to have FUN.

 How do you like to laugh together? Can you find the humor in comedy clubs, funny books you read together, or new experiences? We all tend to get too serious as the years go on. What lightens you up? In couples counseling, learn how increasing the oxygen in your body can lead to better sex.
8. Find projects to work on together.

 When you become a team around some shared values, you can increase sexual intimacy and a bond that is very powerful. Work together on an important goal, and you will see the greatness in each other. Do you like helping your community, political movements, or the well-being of pets?

9. Don't forget what really matters.

The well being of your self, and the health of your intimate relationship, is what is important. The little voice inside us all may want us to go for instant gratification, yet try to remember what you found important as you age. What does long-term loyalty mean to you and your family? Look for ways that give you excitement right now AND caring, loving people in your life.

10. Be of service, and your heart will grow.

 It may seem weird that the person you have the most fights with can also be the one you love the most. Uncover ways, through relationship counseling, where you give to, care, and serve your intimate partner, instead of asking them to prop you up the way a parent would. They are not your parent, and you are not a child, so learn ways to love your partner by giving caring attention TO THEM for who they are. As you give more, the more you love being the best person you can be, without drawing attention to your self. Living life, being in love, becomes the way you ARE, rather than love being something you HAVE to get from outside your self, as your heart becomes more self fulfilling, by loving well. You fall in love with a more truthful, realistic, alive, in the moment kind of love!
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Daily Tips - How to Care for Hair

Healthy hair is a result of consistent daily care. If you just stop taking care of yourself, your hair will suffer, too and this will be visible for a long time. Some little changes in your everyday routine are able to reverse the damage and will help you to maintain healthy, smooth strands.

Drink a lot of water. The hair, like the whole body, needs hydration to be flexible and vibrant.
Take supplements if you think your diet lacks vitamins, minerals, amino acids, etc.

Avoid or better stop the consumption of alcohol, coffee, soft drinks.

Do not smoke.

Use combs and brushes with natural bristles.

Use gentle hair shampoo and quality hair conditioner suitable for your hair type. Massage the scalp gently while shampooing.

Do not wash your hair with hot water, it strips the strands and irritates the scalp. Use lukewarm water and always finish with a cold water rinse. The cold water closes the cuticles of the hair's shaft increasing its reflectivity and adding luster.

When it's possible let your hair air dry. When you have to use the hairdryer, do not use the hottest airflow and finish with cold air. Hold the hairdryer above the head directing the airflow from the roots to the ends, like the professional hairdressers do. This way the airflow seals the cuticles to the shaft, adding shine.
Before washing, massage the scalp with natural oils /olive, jojoba, coconut, etc./ and leave for at least 30 minutes.

Massage the neck to increase the blood circulation and to stimulate hair growth.

Trim your hair tips every two months for normal hair and every month if you hair is too thin.

Practice inverted yoga postures, wherein the head points downwards. These exercises are good for blood flow and new hair growth.

When on the beach always protect your hair with quality sunscreens for hair.

At least once weekly pamper your locks with intense hydration - towel dry your shampooed hair and work into the locks your favorite intense conditioner; wrap the hair with a plastic wrap or cap, the heat from the body will help the conditioner to penetrate better into the hair's shaft; leave it up to 15 minutes; rinse well; as a result you get shiny and silky locks.

For dry frizzy hair, work a few drops of jojoba oil into your locks starting from the ends. The jojoba oil moisturizes, softens and adds shine.

To give a quick shine to a dull mane, apply serum to the hair and smooth down the cuticles using a makeup brush.

One more tip for shiny hair - add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to the water for the final rinse. It will clarify your strands and will add nice shine.

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